Why do Firms Diversify? The Italian Evidence | Chapter 10 | Modern Perspectives in Economics, Business and Management Vol. 2

This study looks into a topic that has been discussed in Strategic Management for a long time: product diversification. The paper’s main research topic is whether product diversification decisions are driven by opportunism or the hunt for financial synergy. Our findings imply that internal capital market considerations play a major role in the choice toContinue reading “Why do Firms Diversify? The Italian Evidence | Chapter 10 | Modern Perspectives in Economics, Business and Management Vol. 2”

Recent Development and Studies: Public Sector, Information and Incentives | Chapter 3 | Modern Perspectives in Economics, Business and Management Vol. 2

The people of the country would ultimately choose the logic of a democratic administration. Their governance requirements would be decisive in determining the state’s means and aims. In today’s environment, what constitutes real information? Not only in the business sector – market trends and enterprise data – but also in the public sector, there isContinue reading “Recent Development and Studies: Public Sector, Information and Incentives | Chapter 3 | Modern Perspectives in Economics, Business and Management Vol. 2”

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